Waka Ama
For years our students have kayaked and sailed their way through the Marlborough Sounds on their Outward Bound course and thanks to Project Refresh Anakiwa, future students will get to experience the uniquely NZ, waka ama.
Perhaps one of the most exciting developments included in Project Refresh Anakiwa.. a whole new activity!!
For years our students have kayaked and sailed their way through the Marlborough Sounds on their Outward Bound course and thanks to Project Refresh Anakiwa, future students will get to experience the uniquely NZ (and fastest growing water sport in our country), waka ama.
Currently Outward Bound offers sea schemes in canoes and cutters. Both vessels offer genuine experiences for students but not a uniquely New Zealand sea faring experience that links directly to our pacific heritage.
The inner Marlborough Sounds offer the perfect conditions for the operation of waka ama and the introduction of a waka ama programme would enhance the Outward Bound experience for a number of reasons.
Why Waka Ama?
At Outward Bound, we teach the importance of working together and connection. A waka ama can only be sailed effectively if all six work in unison, connection is felt as a tangible benefit as the waka ama flows smoothly through the combined efforts of its paddlers.
Another thing that's really important to us at Outward Bound is inclusion. The outrigger structure of a waka ama means that students with physical disabilities can paddle successfully due to the more stable nature of the vessel, and the ability to crew with instructors and support people. Providing students with a disability the freedom to experience as much as possible on their course is vital to building their sense of self-esteem and independence.
School Director, Simon Graney, meeting with Todd Jago from Waka Abel Tasman.
Waka ama brings to Outward Bound powerful opportunities to unlock further learning of Maori and Pacific culture with our students. The rituals which are observed as part of each journey will drive further integration of Maoritanga into our courses and our practice.