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Find out more about other ways to help

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Your bequest can help to provide long-term support to future generations of Outward Bound watchmates.

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Your bequest can help to provide long-term support to future generations of Outward Bound watchmates.

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OB Champions all over the country are passing on the torch and working hard to make Outward Bound a reality for someone just like you.

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Find out more about our community and corporate supporters from around New Zealand.

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Support Outward Bound and you'll be at the forefront of helping Kiwis to realise their potential and change their future direction.

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WoolfFisherTrust Logo
David Levene Foundation Logo
Ben Gough Family Foundation Logo
Andrew & Jenny Smith Supporter
Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust Logo
Pub Charity Ltd Logo
Four Winds Foundation Logo
Acorn Foundation Logo
Thanks Giving Trust Logo
Tumu Group Logo
Key Contributors | Tai Shan Foundation
NZ Retail Property Group Logo
Otago Community Trust Logo
Lindsay Foundation Logo
Mount Riley Logo
IHC+Foundation Logo
HIL Logo
Friedlander-Foundation Logo
RI Logo
Duncan Charitable Trust Logo
Foundation-North Logo

Fidelity Life Logo
Hyundai Pinnacle Programme Logo