Thomas Galbraith - Fundraising tips
Thomas Galbraith fundraised his way to a mind body soul course - find out how.
My fundraising was done mainly by writing letters and sending them out to as many local businesses that I could think of that I thought may be able to help me on my journey.
Debriefing before the rapids
How did you fundraise for your course?
I also wrote to businesses, I wrote to local clubs and organisations such as Lions, RSA, and a Masonic Lodge. I wrote to my school and had a meeting with the rector which as a result led to a whole school mufti day collection given to me at $2 per student. Along the way I came across organisations and trusts that support people requiring financial assistance to go on courses such as Outward Bound. I also mowed lawns and saved as much of my own money as I could for the course. It’s all about getting out there and making people realize that you’re working hard to earn the money and not just waiting for a hand out. I spent hours on the phone talking to business owners, club residents and used well over fifty envelopes getting my story out there. It sounds like a lot of hard work but it isn’t so bad once you start.
What was the biggest challenge when fundraising and how did you overcome it?
The hardest part about my fundraising was accepting rejection. You have to accept that not everyone will be willing or able to help financially but just remember, every bit you do receive puts you one step closer than what you were before hand and every little bit counts!
How did you start the process (what was the first step to starting your fundraising)?
I first needed to brainstorm what was achievable for me. Once I had decided I was going to apply for funding I sat down with mum over a couple of nights and sorted out a list of businesses, groups and scholarships I would apply for. At the time I was already booked on a course which was good because it was proof for the sponsors that their money was definitely going towards Outward Bound. I then obtained addresses and phone numbers for all of the organisations I decided to write to. Next was the hard part, writing the letter. In my letter I explained who I was, my interests, future aspirations and why I wanted to go to Outward Bound. From there it was all about following up with calls and meeting people from the organisations I had applied to.
What advice can you give for people fundraising for their Outward Bound course?
Take every opportunity and make time to put yourself out there. For example if you’re offered something to sell or meat for a sausage sizzle, don’t waste an opportunity to earn money, grab at it! There are all sorts of fundraising ideas out there so don’t be afraid to try some. Good luck with your fundraising and I hope you enjoy Outward Bound as much as I did!