
Outward Bound and Te Ātiawa Ink New Partnership Agreement

Outward Bound and iwi Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui have re-signed a Memorandum of Understanding to continue working together to enhance Tikanga tuku iho of our organisations in Anakiwa and surrounding whenua.

News from Anakiwa

The Outward Bound School of New Zealand and iwi Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui have re-signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to continue working together to enhance Tikanga tuku iho (tradition and customs) of their organisations in Anakiwa and surrounding whenua.

Malindi Maclean Chief Executive Outward Bound said the relationship with Te Ātiawa is a vital partnership for the outdoor school based in Anakiwa.

“We empower New Zealanders to make life-changing journeys of self-discovery through shared adventure in te au tūroa, the natural world.

“The tiaki of Anakiwa is at the heart of our mahi, and we remain guided by Te Ātiawa to lead us in safeguarding the future of Anakiwa and the surrounding whenua, moana and awa in where we are privileged to live and work.”

The founding MoU was established between the organisations in 2004, with Te Ātiawa and Outward Bound discovering their shared values.

Justin Carter, Chief Executive Te Ātiawa o Te Waka a Māui, says the agreement was jointly signed during a two-day wānanga at Waikawa Marae this week.

“We were delighted to welcome the Outward Bound team to Waikawa Marae.”

The signing took place during an overnight stay at the Marae which included a pōwhiri, cultural training, and noho.

“Eighteen years after our original agreement was inked we continue to strengthen our partnership, and Te Ātiawa is excited to continue our commitment to work together to create a better Aotearoa,” he said.

Maclean says in recent years Outward Bound has worked with Te Ātiawa for their guidance and blessing of the 2018 campaign Project Refresh Anakiwa.  The goal of this campaign was to upgrade and future-proof the school’s facilities. It included the launching of a new Waka Ama fleet in 2017 and the unveiling of the new safety vessel Rāhiri this year.

Pictured left to right: Dawn McConnell - Waikawa Marae trustee, Justin Carter - Chief Executive at Te Ātiawa o Te Waka a Māui, Malindi MacLean - Outward Bound NZ Tumuaki / Chief Executive, Dave Taylor - Outward Bound NZ Cultural Advisor.

Pictured left to right: Dawn McConnell - Waikawa Marae trustee, Justin Carter - Chief Executive at Te Ātiawa o Te Waka a Māui, Malindi MacLean - Outward Bound NZ Tumuaki / Chief Executive, Dave Taylor - Outward Bound NZ Cultural Advisor.


Outward Bound NZ staff and Te Ātiawa whānau at Waikawa Marae.

Outward Bound NZ staff and Te Ātiawa whānau at Waikawa Marae.