
Alysha's goal to clean up NZ

OB Champion Alysha has a goal to raise funds for Outward Bound by collecting 100,000 pieces of rubbish in 2019 across New Zealand's beaches, rivers, coasts, forests and public areas. Keep an eye on her progress here!

Inspirational Champions Life after OB

OB Champion Alysha has a goal to raise funds for Outward Bound by collecting 100,000 pieces of rubbish in 2019 across New Zealand's beaches, rivers, coasts, forests and public areas.

See below for how many pieces Alysha's collected so far!

Hi, I'm Alysha! 

I recently completed an Outward Bound course in December 2018, McKenzie 648, and have decided to become an OB Champion.

My goal is to collect 100,000 pieces of rubbish in 2019 across New Zealand's beaches, rivers, coasts, forests and public areas!

I hope to raise funds which will support a vulnerable young person in receiving a scholarship to attend Outward Bound where they can be given a chance to develop self-confidence, leadership and discover that there is more in them, like I did.

During my OB course, I was faced with challenges that are greater than I have ever experienced before, both physically or mentally. I learnt the power of the human body can complete any goal that you put in front of it.

I also learnt a lot about the importance of service and giving back to the community and the environment.

Inspired by Sir Roy McKenzie (whom my watch was named after) I decided I wanted to do more. I want to show both greatness and kaitiakitanga in my life. 

I have challenged myself to pick up 100,000 pieces of rubbish over 2019. Because its hard. Because it will require dedication. And because I hope to make a difference.





Number of pieces collected so far:


Support Alysha!

Go to Alysha's Everydayhero page to make a donation and read her blog about her adventures tidying up NZ.

Alysha's blog and fundraising page