11 things you'll soon learn at Outward Bound
From the weird to the wonderful, find out what really goes down on an Outward Bound course
From the weird to the wonderful, find out what really goes down in the magical place that is Anakiwa.
1. You can fit a lot into your day when it begins at 6am.
2. Flapjacks are the food of kings on expedition.
3. Dirt is good
4. Carrying around your own poop is a liberating experience!
5. OB instructors are the most crazy, unique and inspirational folk on earth
6. A heavy pack only gets lighter.
7. It's a genuine competition to see who can do the most gymnastically outrageous watchmate photo.
8. The hardiest of souls are forged in an Anakiwa winter. Hats (and gloves) off to the August watchmates!
9. Given the chance, nobody can resist the dress up box.
10. You can’t help but spout wise, motivational phrases to your friends now that you’re back at home. You’re practically Dumbledore for goodness sake.
11. There's no place quite like Anakiwa.
Got another weird or wonderful thing to add to our list? Share your suggestions in the comments box!